10th Feb 2025
Present: |
Committee - Brian Stewart (Chairman), Andy Archer (Sites), Simon Baillie (Chief Coach), Carl Fairhurst (Web Master), Jim Ashley (Treasurer), Neil Charles (News Letter), Elliot Brown (Comps), Simon Scott (Secretary - minutes)
Apologies: Graham Jones (Social), Matt Mottaghian (Membership) Barry Sayer (Safety)
Members Present - 22 |
In addition to the committee |
Chairmans Welcome & Opening Statements
The chairman welcomed all to the AGM. From a club position it has been a boring year (very successful in reality) in that no sites have been lost and no serious accidents. What will the future and the coming season bring?
The Chairman stated that it didn’t seem long ago that the ‘then’ Pennine Hang Gliding Club was finding new members who started turning up with coloured duvet cover type wings that didn’t seem that safe with collapses and poor performance. It was a 2-culture environment. Old time Hang glider pilots found it entertaining and that this new fad was unlikely to catch on! However, here we are now with a merged association and re named club and much improved equipment. Now with mini wings isn’t history repeating again. It’s important that we encourage fresh new faces into the Club.
With ½ a life paragliding (Chairman) and a happy PSC it is important to look forward to the future. There are threats, such as the potential of drones being integrated into delivery systems. We need to be vigilant and not complacent.
The Chairman covered the agenda for the evening. The following club officers gave their reports.
Secretary (Simon Scott)
The role of the secretary is to act as the main point of contact for the club. During the year the BHPA send information to the club as do local clubs and pilots and the public. Of note this year has been information regarding local airspace changes and consultations. Mostly in areas that will thankfully have minimal effect on the PSC and club sites. It can be frustrating when emails are received from interested parties that are asking for information, but when responded to, there is often no reply. The secretary also attempts to minute meetings and file documents/information.
No questions.
Power/Hang Gliding Coordinator (Simon Scott)
Little to report this year. Not much local Hang-Gliding activity.
Also little contact regarding power flying. The PSC still have permission for power flying at Edisford.
It was strongly encouraged that anyone wanting to get into powered flying, regardless of Paragliding or Hang-Gliding experience get proper training as powerful engines spinning large propellors are extremely unforgiving.
Membership (Presented by Jim Ashley)
Membership is currently at a very high 203 members. Only 39 have not yet renewed. The Stripe payment system employed by Matt seems to be very successful as has his work in streamlining the joining process. It is expected that we lose approximately 20 members per year, and if this is true this year we should have a membership of around 220 members.
Treasurers report
Good financial position. The main out goings are site fees. There has been expenditure for the re-packers (parachute repacking day at Chipping village hall) and for the Chief Coach course. Additionally, the club donates £500 each to our local Mountain Rescue and Air Ambulance charities if there is surplus available.
This year £4k has been transferred to the savings account. With recent interest rate increases the club made £262 this last year, with equates to having 10 more members.
The club has approximately £23k in the club accounts.
Sites (Andy Archer)
Supplied notes (thanks Andy).
It has been a productive year for sites, with no complaints reported, indicating pilot discipline and good relations with landowners, tenant farmers, and game keepers.
Bottle Run
The annual bottle run before Christmas was well received. It provided an opportunity to interact directly with those who permit us to use their land for our activities, strengthening relationships each year.
A couple of years ago, United Utilities suggested the possibility of a license for the bottom landing field, including a potential fee following incidents with a sheep owner. The individual involved has since moved on, and there has been no further development with United Utilities on this matter.
Scout Moor Windfarm Expansion
This is a matter to monitor:
Nonts Sarah’s
There was a recent incident involving a model aircraft flying into the lines of a paraglider. Details are limited.
Marsden Moor Soaring Association has published procedures for their members about shared use, though these have not yet been discussed or agreed upon between the clubs. A meeting may be necessary to address this.
As in previous years, flying at Pendle East is requested to cease on a permanent basis.
Generally, there have been no issues:
Winter Hill
Finally, thanks to everyone for maintaining good relations with landowners, which is essential for site access.
Safety Officer (Brian Stewart)
There were 2 serious accidents this year.
It was highlighted that accident reports should always be submitted to help with the analysis of accident trends which in turn can help with the feedback that gets passed to BHPA Coaches.
The PSC statistics show that Parlick has the most incidents, however it is likely that this is the most flown site and those that fly there are the most likely to report incidents.
Chief Coach (Simon Baillie)
Simon has attended and passed the senior coach course this past year and is the 1st PSC Chief coach to hold this rating. Simon commented on it being an interesting course and it was good to see the BHPA offices.
2024 was not a great year for running organized coaching weekends due to the unpredictable and generally poor weather. 2 formal days of coaching were achieved.
The Chief coach highlighted that a situation has arisen this year concerning CP rated pilots flying XC. Under the BHPA insurance it is now clear that a CP pilot flying XC is NOT insured. The CP rating is classed as ‘Novice’ pilot and CP pilots should be aiming at achieving all the tasks in the CP/Pilot task list. All current club coaches can witness and sign off on these tasks. It does not need to be done by the Chief coach until all tasks are complete. This year has seen an increase in CP rated pilots attending exam revision sessions and taking their pilot exams. More revision nights can be arranged later in the year if requested.
Club coaches can do 1:1 coaching
All club coaches should get involved whenever they can. It was acknowledged that the PSC have a gap in coaching on our eastern sites.
It was discussed that it would be useful to determine what percentage of PSC members only hold a CP rating. It was considered that perhaps 50% or more members only hold a CP rating.
Any pilots (pilot rated) wanting XC coaching should email the Chief coach.
QUESTION from the floor: - Doesn’t the CP tasks include an XC for the Pilot rating? The Chief Coach clarified that it does not.
If CP pilots don’t have a task book, these can be requested from the BHPA Office.
Competition (Elliot Brown)
The Competition secretary stated that it would be great to see more interest in competitions and task-based challenges such as the Northern Trophy. The Comp sec doesn’t want to organise competitions but would rather focus interest on attending with PSC members more UK competitions. Dates of competitions will be better advertised (PSC newsletter). Interested parties contact the Competitions Secretary.
QUESTION from the floor: - Should the club use XContest as this has been gaining in popularity? It was highlighted that the XC League used airspace checking and was still most likely the best option for the PSC league comps.
Webmaster (Carl Fairhurst)
The Webmaster stated that the website was good and working well.
Zoom was now used for recording meetings as well as committee meetings (the PSC purchased a license this past year). A format that was started from ‘lock-down’, but is still a valuable resource now.
Newsletter Editor (Neil Charles)
All agreed it was excellent that the PSC had a good newsletter again. The Newsletter Editor asked the membership for more photos from flying trips that he can use.
BREAK (Time to visit the bar).
Election of Officers
The Chairman proposed all the committee members who wished to remain in post could be voted in together. It was highlighted that anyone who wished to be considered for one of these posts can put themselves forward. No floor nominations were forth coming. The committee voted back unanimously.
Vacant posts
Safety Officer – Paul Redman - proposed by Brian Stewart, Seconded by Andy Archer
Social Secretary – Jacqui Kavanagh – proposed by Jim Ashley, Seconded by Walter Ross
Social Media – Neil Charles volunteered to take on this role along with his PSC Newsletter position.
Membership Proposals
None received.
Award Evening
This is the 2nd part of the PSC meeting.
James Davidson
Emma Wrathall
Chris Dobson
Doug Neil
Paul Winterbottom
Jacob Butterworth (International)
Doug Neil (HG – International)
Best local Flight – Paul Winterbottom
Best XC PSC Site – John Oliver
Fun class ENB – Brian Stewart
ENC – John Murphy
John Murphy
Newsletter (Outstanding effort) – Neil Charles
Sites (Outstanding effort – many years) – Andy Archer
Sam Ashley
Webcam (Hosting and maintaining over many years) – Paul Winterbottom
The Chairman put the following to the members
The annual PSC Penninefest event is lacking an organiser this year (for May). A proposal from a member to provide a bigger more organised event has been made. This will require a later start (July), but the club needs support for this as it will be a more expensive event and will need more volunteers to make it work (suggested a team of about 6 keen people). Would the membership like the committee to proceed with this?
It was discussed and was received with a general acceptance. The Chairman agreed that the committee would investigate this further. Comments from the floor suggested that 2025 (July) may be too soon for such an event and it may be more appropriate to look at an event in 2026. When asked if there was anyone willing to support this as an organising participant the response was non-committal.
AGM closed at 21:05