Wind Directions | E | OS Ref | SD 997 077 Sheet 109 |
Height ASL | 1100ft (335m) | Rating | Expert Only |
Top to Bottom | 350ft (108m) | Notam | Give OS Ref |
From Oldham, take A62 signposted for Huddersfield. Turn right after the main junction at
Delph, take first left up the hill.
Vehicles must be parked completely off the track at the top of the hill. (OS SD 995077).
Take footpath Eastwards across one field to other side of the field, then turn Northwards
along Harrop Edge to take off area.
Manchester CTA 3000ft alt, Class D, 1900ft (580m) ato
A very difficult site to fly. In some conditions the site can be affected by wave, wind speeds
of 35mph have been measured at the take off site when winds of only 8mph have been
measured above Standedge cutting.
None, apparently the farmer would like to know if you are flying, rumour has it that he likes
to watch. There is no formal agreement here.
Very tight top landing, no bottom landing unless expert in side landing. Severe rotor & walls
Bottom landings are very difficult on Hang Gliders as the field slopes away steeply.
None at all unless you can skirt around Manchester CTR