A dozen of us were treated to an excellent day of first aid training in the Chipping Village Hall on Saturday 29th Jan. Dave Watt, a front-line paramedic with decades of hands-on experience of dealing with the whole range of medical emergencies gave us a full day of practical guidance on how to keep our fellow pilots (and others) alive. All agreed afterwards that it had been a brilliant experience, and even the ‘old hands’ learned a whole load of new things. There is no substitute for days like this for keeping your skill levels up and reminding you of the priorities when faced with an emergency, and the PSC are happy to support all members taking these steps to update their skills for the benefit of us all.
There will be another course on February 26th. This is almost full but if you want to go on the waiting list, email safety@penninesoaringclub.org.uk as soon as possible.