Midweek flying risks a close encounter of the high speed kind with fast and slow aircraft of the RAF kind. It’s always been a requirement to post flying plans on CANP the night before, so that pilots can get a heads-up in the briefings the next day.
Now it’s easier than ever: Head over to https://canp.logans.me.uk/?fbclid=IwAR3kuBUdrgoRzYy_GR_F8fNVYWk9A_xTcmqDvX_weuQ4rFzLK77lvXqVsMI
Fill in the required fields, tick the site you’re registering and you are good to go. Remember to look out for the response, to ensure your post got through.
Save this site as a favourite so you can always find it, and get your notification in before 8PM. Apparently duplicate notifications aren’t a problem, so don’t just assume someone else has done it.