Hi all,

We have been informed about an accident that occurred on Pendle Hill on Sunday 11th August 24.  There are limited details regarding the circumstances of the incident or the condition of the injured pilot, but wish him a speedy recovery. 

We are unsure whether the injured pilot was a PSC member or a visiting pilot.  If anyone does have further information please let our Safety Officer Barry know by email safety@penninesoaringclub.org.uk.  There maybe safety learning point that other members or visitors could benefit from.

As Sites Officer can I remind members that we have been asked not to fly the east side of Pendle Hill, this is at the request of the landowner.  Use of the east face could jeopardise our continued use of the NW face of the hill.

Can all members and visiting pilots please familiarise themselves with the sites guide for Pendle and any other of the PSC sites?



Andy Archer

PSC Site Officer
