Safety Notes July 2022

By Brian Stewart on  July 6, 2022 10:18

A couple of things to write about this month, a bit of a long read so strap in . . .

First up – Pre-flight checks.

We all know we need to check very carefully that every bit of our flying machine is in perfect condition for every flight (including ourselves . . .). We all do this every launch, don’t we? Here’s a report from an incident that went well but could have ended badly. Not me, but a very experienced and skilful pilot, and I don’t need to add anything as he has carefully analysed what happened and offered very useful tips on how to avoid this.

This was a typically busy day at Col de la Forclaz take off. I had launched from here earlier in the day where other pilots had told me to hurry up, so there was a certain amount of pressure.

On this launch, I unpacked and checked my glider and lines in the pen behind the launch area, clipped in and bunched the glider up to walk to launch. I did not observe any knots or issues with the lines. When a space was available in the launch area, I laid out the wing and prepared for launch as quickly as I could, due to the time pressure. I did do a test inflation ("building a wall") but this wasn't sufficient to fully check the status of the lines.

I then carried out a reverse launch. After turning and braking the wing, I did notice the right brake felt stiffer than normal. However, I was committed to the launch and did so. Once airborne I noticed a knot on the right hand side involving an A, C and brake lines. The inner portion of the right hand side of the wing was braked (trailing edge deflected), but fortunately this did not generate a large turning moment and the wing was stable and controllable.

I did attempt to undo the knot with brake input, a decision I regret as it could have made things worse, but fortunately did not. After I got over this urge, I took better actions by flying away from terrain, heading straight for the landing field and only carrying out left hand turns to reduce the risk of spinning the wing.

The landing at Doussard was uneventful, and the knot released as soon as the wing was unloaded, so I could not inspect it! I checked the lines and glider for any damage, but there the lines were fine and ground handling the glider was normal. I flew again later that day and all was well. I felt very lucky, it would have only taken one more realised hazard to have created a more severe incident or an accident.

Lessons I've considered:

- I had never had a knot in my lines in flight, so it shows complacency and that past success does not equal continued success

- Never rush pre-flight checks no matter what external pressures there are

- Check lines much more thoroughly before inflating the wing, particularly when launch conditions do not enable ground handling of the wing before committing

- Abort launch if something isn't right

- If knotted, don't try to recover it by pulling lines as it is unlikely and potentially risky

- I've changed how I bunch up the wing, by putting each loop of lines between the next two fingers and releasing in the reverse manner, making it much less likely to become knotted. From the rest of the trip, this has worked well.

Thermalling and Ridge Soaring

I’ve been asked to write something following some conflicts between pilots circling and ridge soaring. Both are essential skills and both are equally important and neither the ridge soaring pilot nor the circling one have any special rights. If everyone joins the thermal, and turns the same way, no problem. If it’s a ridge soaring day, provided some sort of order is set up about which beat is closer to the hill, equally problem-free. The issues arise when someone starts to turn in a thermal, close to the hill while others are using ridge lift. It’s easy to get focused on using the thermal to climb, that’s what we all want but the turning pilot needs to be fully aware of those who may not want to join in at that moment; a glider turning a circle close to the hill suddenly presents a massive obstacle to a ridge soaring wing. Equally the ridge soaring pilot needs to be aware that if a thermal comes along then pilots are going to turn in it, and mustn’t just blithely continue beating back and forth. No-one has priority, except to avoid a collision. It’s all part of being a pilot, and being aware of what everyone else is doing. I’ve been pointed towards the excellent 50k or Bust by Nigel Page – I have a copy and refer to it a lot, and several of his sources are in the public domain, and there is a wealth of good advice in there about this topic.

Tight lines, everyone

Safety Notes May 2022

By Brian Stewart on  May 11, 2022 12:38

Sadly we have had a serious incident involving serious injury to a paraglider pilot on Parlick, who unfortunately died a few days later, and our thoughts are very much with Philip’s family and friends and indeed all who were involved on the hill.

There will be a formal investigation into all the circumstances, and this is not the place to get into speculation about what happened, but I want to make some initial thoughts about what we can learn about managing incidents on the hills once they have happened. All of those dealing with it can hold their heads high for the exemplary way in which it was handled from start to finish, so now is the time to put together what might be useful guidance for such incidents in the future.

This will be a long and detailed message, I hope you will take the time to read it and consider what you could do immediately and what you could plan to do in the future to improve your chances of dealing successfully with a serious incident. We will shortly distil this into some succinct cards that people can carry in their wallets as a prompt list for emergencies.

Initial actions

If you are first on the scene, or witness a crash, remember the DRSABC mnemonic:

D – DANGER: is there danger to the casualty, to you, or to any third party? Think steep slope, power lines, flapping glider about to re-launch spontaneously (I have seen this happen to an unconscious pilot who then flew for several minutes more before the inevitable 2nd crash, producing much more serious injuries) water – waves or currents – and any other possible sources of peril. This is not a definitive list – each scenario will have its own dangers. Don’t grab flapping gliders by the lines with bare hands, grab the fabric; anchor hang gliders by the nose; don’t go jumping in and adding to the casualty list.

R – RESPONSE: this is the first step in establishing the level of consciousness of the casualty, but this is not the place to go into first aid training. Please consider going on a course every couple of years to keep up your skills.

S – SEND FOR HELP: Radio, Phone, Shout, Satellite.

ABC: this is covered by First Aid training – have you booked yourself on a course yet? The ability to recognise serious life-threatening conditions and possibly alleviate them could make all the difference in the first few minutes.

D and S imply that it is best not to rush straight to the scene of the incident, but to take a moment to consider DANGERS involved and how to SEND for help, but R requires you to get there quickly in case you are dealing with a blocked airway or other catastrophic condition such as massive haemorrhage or a need to stabilise a spinal injury. So, it’s a compromise between supplying aid quickly and taking enough time to prepare yourself for the task.

So, you’ve made it safe to approach, the casualty is breathing and not bleeding profusely. How will you call for help? Did you stop for a moment to collect your radio and phone before rushing to the victim? Her radio may be smashed. It’s a natural human response to want to get there asap, but it can save precious time if you can quickly gather them together to take with you. The radio and shouting can summon other pilots (and bystanders) to your aid.

Calling emergency services – we should all know the drill: 999, police, mountain rescue, fall from height, remote location etc. But where are you? You may have a note of the postcode where the cars are parked, or the location of the usual takeoff, but this is of little help if the casualty is miles away from there. Your flight deck may give you a precise location, but it may be ½ km away on your harness. If you do have it, do you know how to obtain your location in a form that emergency services can use? PRACTISE THIS NOW: on your phone. Make sure you can quickly get your location as:

  1. What3Words (W3W) Install What 3 Words on your phone, so you can quickly supply this information to the emergency controller if requested. This was asked for on this occasion and seems likely to be required more frequently in the future. Even without a data connection, you can obtain the W3W address. You will need a signal to be able to share it, but you may be able to use your radio to share it with someone who has one.
  2. OS 2-letter and 6-digit grid reference. OS Locate is an excellent app which can give you this, plus altitude, and allow you to share it via text or email. It also incorporates a compass if you have the right chip in your phone. Other apps are available.
  3. Lat Long in both decimal and degree/minute format. This seems less likely to be used by emergency services these days, but still worth having the ability to determine it. Pressing and holding your location pointer in Google Maps will display this. Presumably iPhones have a similar feature.
  4. Register for the 999 text messaging system. This enables you to send a call for help where the signal may be too weak or intermittent for a voice call. Simply send the word REGISTER to 999, wait for the reply and you will be able to use this service, or it will tell you that you are already registered. DO THIS NOW, don’t wait until you need it, it costs nothing and doesn’t use up your phone memory. Send a brief text stating: WHO you are; WHAT has happened (problem, state of casualty, number of injured); WHAT is needed; WHERE the location – use W3W, OS Grid, Lat Long if known; WHEN – how long ago. You should get a response text in a couple of minutes. If not, assume it hasn’t gone through and find another way to get help, maybe just a different phone.
  5. Consider a satellite communication device, especially if you and your companions are going anywhere where poor reception is likely. Garmin, InReach, Spot etc devices can enable you to call for help from virtually anywhere with a view of the sky. A few years ago, one of our own found himself in a serious situation on the deck, out of sight of human habitation with no signal or radio contact. Fortunately he survived the impact uninjured and could walk out, but in the circumstances any immobilising injury such as a broken ankle could have had life-threatening consequences. This wasn’t far away from our sites.


Ideally dealing with the emergency services should be undertaken by someone not directly involved with dealing with the casualty. Listen carefully to their questions – they have a script to follow. If possible, have someone else’s number available, ideally on a different network, to pass to the authorities. Try to write down information as it is given or record it on your phone.

This should be a team effort: the best organiser should do just that, the best first-aider should deal with the casualty and direct those supporting; send a fit pair to meet rescue with radio and phone. Support each other all the time with reassurance – keep an eye out for signs of stress.

Keep an eye on the casualty too, monitor their condition constantly, are they deteriorating or getting more confused? Are the helpers/bystanders OK? These situations are dynamic, and what was OK a few minutes ago can quickly go bad.


If a road ambulance is despatched and mountain rescue are able to transport the casualty over land, then spare bodies to carry equipment and assist in the rescue may be needed – try to gather some able-bodied helpers for this.

If a helicopter is incoming, it’s essential to try to clear the sky of pilots and secure all loose items on the ground. The heli may approach from any direction, and if it’s one of the big coastguard jobs it will have a massive disruption effect in the air, and Foreign Object Damage is a very real threat to aircraft. Radio and shouting may be the only way to communicate with pilots in the air – delegate this task to someone with a loud voice.

If you’re near a glider field or other aerial activity site, try to alert them of incoming helicopters.


A serious accident inquiry will require all the equipment – wing, harness, helmet, instruments to be secured for inspection. Someone should take responsibility for the kit, if only to ensure its safe return to the owner. Vehicles are another issue, if someone is taken to hospital, having their car taken home or to a safe place, is one less thing for them to worry about.


It is vital for learning from these experiences that incident reports are completed. A seriously injured pilot may not be able to submit theirs until later, but anyone can complete one. This doesn’t cause confusion – subsequent reports are appended to the original one, and it makes the task easier for those doing the investigation. So, if you saw it, or were involved afterwards, fill one in, even if you can only complete some of the data. The more people that do this, the more complete the picture becomes. Don’t assume that someone else will have done it, and do it as soon as possible while the memories are fresh and before they get corrupted by time and other opinions – trust your own recollections, try to be factual and avoid speculating on what might have happened.


Don’t neglect yourself. Traumatic incidents have a habit of coming back to you later, and can be very distressing. Don’t just push it aside, telling yourself to Man/Woman up. Maybe just talking it through with others will be enough, but be aware that you may need to look further for help. PTSD is real.

Still awake? Do these now:

  •  Install What3Words
  •  Install OS Locate or similar app to get Grid Reference
  •  Practise finding your location using your navigation software
  •  Register for 999 SMS
  •  Consider satellite comms
  •  Consider 1st aid course

Repack 27th March 2022

By Carl Fairhurst on  March 28, 2022 12:14


A big thanks to Barry Sayer for organising this at the Chipping Village hall on Sunday.

We had a morning and an afternoon session with Guy Richardson from Ginger Nomad who gave us all the benefit of his expertise to have a repack session.  His guidance in interpreting the sometimes unclear packing instructions and a combination of instruction and demonstration ensured that everyone was able to get their reserves ready for the new season.


Safety Notes January 2022

By Brian Stewart on  January 18, 2022 18:35

Happy New Year everyone

Cognitive Bias

WTF’s that? In simple terms a cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and judgments that they make. Whenever we launch, this is the culmination of a sequence of decisions that may have begun with a weather forecast several days ago. While we are flying we are constantly taking in information, processing it and making decisions and judgements based on this data, so some understanding of how cognitive bias can leas us into bad choices may be useful.

Attentional and Anchoring biases will lead us into fixing on the first bit of information we get – e.g. the forecast for 3 days ahead shows light winds, and not looking again; or only paying attention to some things and ignoring others – such as a nice 10 mph breeze on the hill but not looking at the 20+ mph wind at 45 degrees 500’ higher. A Confirmation Bias can lead us into only looking at sources of data that confirm our original judgement.

Optimism Bias is fairly self-explanatory, and links with the Dunning-Kruger effect which describes how people believe they are smarter and more competent than they really are (we all know that person, don’t we?), leading to over-confidence.

Halo effect – when you see your favourite skygod having fun in the sky doesn’t mean it’s OK for you.

Do you attribute your mate’s great flight to just luck, while your success is pure skill; or your bomb-out was someone else’s fault for distracting you? If you shout at another pilot for being too close, are you always sure you’re in the right? Or if you are the one getting the abuse, do you analyse the situation calmly afterwards to see if you could have done something differently?

This is just a sample of the complex web of biases that psychologists study to try to guide people into better decision-making.

Challenging your biases. Even the psychologists accept that despite knowing all about them, they are just as likely as anyone to be led into their traps, but the ability to recognise them goes a long way towards being able to remove the from your decision making. What are some factors you have missed? Are you giving too much weight to certain factors? Are you ignoring relevant information because it doesn't support your view?  Thinking about these things and challenging your biases can make you a more critical thinker. Be aware of your over-confidence – can you dispassionately analyse your own strengths and weaknesses? Identify the risks you take – have they become just bad habits that you’ve got away with, so far? Set aside time to consider your decisions – good and bad.

Here’s a link to a video of a flying encounter. The pilot doing the filming later spoke to the chap on the blue and yellow wing who said he thought there was plenty of room based on his “20-years’ experience relative to an obvious novice”. I leave it to you to think about the cognitive biases that may be in play here.

Tight lines, everyone.
