Hen Harriers

By Brian Stewart on  June 13, 2019 17:31

RSPB have announced that there has been successful fledging of several hen harrier chicks in the Bowland Forest area. They request people stick to marked tracks in the area to avoid stressing these birds during the breeding season. Please be aware of this when flying in the area, and think carefully about landing out where you could disturb them.


Winter Hill–Reopened

By Andy Archer on  September 1, 2018 14:07

Image may contain: sky, outdoor, nature and waterWe are now re-opening Winter Hill - The moor fires are extinguished and the access road is clear, therefore we see no reason to keep it closed.

I have been unable to speak to the landowners, United Utilities, however I flew over there recently in a light aircraft, as you can see the stone wall seems to have protected the takeoff.

If anyone uses the site and experiences any issues please let me know ASAP


Andy Archer
Sites Officer

Forest of Bowland UAV Survey NOTAM

By Carl Fairhurst on  March 10, 2018 19:10

A UAV will be carrying out survey work in our area, exact date/time is weather dependant, and will be notified in advance if possible and practical, but this cannot be relied upon. The brief email details are as below, copied for all to read. If you notice the UAV please keep away from the operating area. This is not a long term issue, just until the survey work is carried out.

Please see below to indicate the area of operation in Jpeg format and also kml for those with Google earth installed on their PC, but as detailed below, the aircraft will require additional space in which to turn. This may bring the UAV into hill soaring territory.

Watch out, allow space, keep clear please.

Cumbria Soaring Club - Site Closures

By Andy Archer on  March 28, 2017 19:08

Cumbria Soaring Club

The following sites are due to be closed for lambing etc
Please do not fly them during the dates below
* Souther Fell - 28th March to 1st June
* Carrock Fell - Saturdays Only - 1st April to 1st July
* Sandbeds/West Fell - 1st May to 1st July
* Wolf Crags - 1st April to 1st May
The first closure is at Souther Fell from tomorrow, 28th March
The goods news is that we have agreed access to Wolf crags throughout May when this was previously closed for flying